Corporate accountability – Fact or Fiction?

Corporate accountability – Fact or Fiction?

Corporate accountability is a FACT when monitoring the technical performance of the dealership, but mostly FICTION when applied to people performance. The ironic fact is that people drive the success of a dealership so it just makes good sense to apply accountability...

Avoiding the tragedies of leadership

ALL OF US have the potential to be better tomorrow than what we are today, but that transformation doesn’t happen automatically. Consequently, there are categorical tragedies. One tragedy is those who DON’T REALIZE the potential waiting in their bodies to be...

Feedback is a gift

THIS TITLE is not an oxymoron. I’m writing this article for two critical reasons: First, feedback is required for us to improve performance. Second, most supervisors cringe at the thought of providing performance feedback to employees. And it gets worse. I’ve talked...

We make our culture and our culture makes us

Imagine learning about your dealership’s culture from a Koi, a red-gold carp. The ultimate size (and sometimes colors) of a Koi is determined by the environment in which it resides. What does that phenomena tell you about the effect of your dealership’s culture? Let’s...
Optimistic Leadership

Optimistic Leadership

Being The Leaders Followers Like To Follow Let’s start this article by looking at your hand. Stick your left hand in front of you and look to find something you would change about it. Perhaps you have wrinkles or unattractive fingernails. Some of you will look at your...

Why do we make customer service so difficult?

WRITER’S NOTE: I began drafting this article while staying at a hotel on Super Bowl Sunday. While that was a few months ago, I thought I’d share some events leading up to the game that are as relevant today as they were back in February. Wanting to watch the game, I...

I’m Too Busy To Get Anything Done

Perhaps it’s time to remind everyone about the importance of time. All of us talk about time as being one of our precious possessions. The psychological aspect of time is not always pleasant since most of us experience the frustration of having too little time to do...
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